5 Tips to Empower Your Dream
For some reason, we as human beings have a natural tendency to focus on the negative, e.g., failure, lack, offenses of others, self-deprecation. But, in order to empower our dreams, we must see ourselves and our lives as full, powerful, abundant and successful. How do we do that when there are so many challenges in our lives? We do it through vigilance on where we put our focus. It’s simple, but not easy. It takes discipline. Here are some tips to create a tipping point in your life.
1. Success Breeds Success
Every night before you fall asleep, think of your successes during the day. Come up with at least five. They don’t have to be big, but they certainly can be. Get in the habit of celebrating even the smallest success. As you make this a habit, you begin to see yourself as a success and this helps you manifest more success in your life.
E.g., “When triggered by someone, I took a breath, went into my heart and was able to respond without a charge;” “I got 2 new clients today;” “I went to see someone in the hospital and helped uplift them.”
2. Gratitude Attracts Abundance
Before setting any intention or goal, it is beneficial to spend 30 sec to a minute thinking of what you already have in your life to be grateful for. Gratitude fills you with love and places your focus on abundance and fullness. It opens your heart and prepares you to receive even more. From a feeling of lack, you only create more lack. When you are feeling abundant, you are attracting abundance. Spend some time every day thinking of all the things in your life you are grateful for. You can roll this over into your success practice, because you can feel gratitude for your successes, but don’t forget to add the little things that are just part of life, like a warm cup of hot chocolate on a cold day.
3. Have the attitude, “It Is Done”
Write your intentions & goals in the present or past tense as if they are happening now or have already manifested. Visualize them and imagine yourself already there in as much detail as you can for at least 5 min each day. If you do this each night before you go to bed, your subconscious mind will be working on ideas for manifesting your dreams while you sleep!
4. Utilize Your Feeling Magnet
Each time you visualize your dream already manifested, focus on how you will feel when you have manifested your dreams. If it will bring you love, peace, joy, happiness, excitement… (whatever the attributes), focus on those feelings. Think of other things that bring up these feelings in you. Let them get more intense. Take time to revel in them. Do more things that bring up those same feelings. Your feelings have enormous power to draw toward you more things that bring up those same feelings in you.
5. Live Your Dream
Act as if you have already attained your dreams. As you think of yourself already there, think of all of the positive ways of being that have brought you there. Ways of being such as confident, happy, cheerful, committed, unstoppable, creative, wise, powerful, charismatic, strong, a leader, peaceful and more. Practice becoming that person and each time you exhibit one of these ways of being, acknowledge yourself and add that success to your list of successes.
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