Why Radical Forgiveness?
Every time you have a good feeling, every time you experience love or joy, it’s so important to honor it and revel in it. Even though it may come from an outer occurrence or memory, the source of that love is on the inside.
It is our own true nature. Believe it or not, our natural vibration is love!
“Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth.”
~Marianne Williamson
We can train our minds to find love and focus on it. Our strong intention and our breath can help us do this. When you’re feeling anything other than love, use a prop to trigger your loving vibration. You can think of someone you love or something you are grateful for, for example. Focus on the feelings those thoughts evoke. And soon they will become your primary experience, softening pain or disappointment or any other uncomfortable feeling in your awareness.
A few weeks ago, I pulled a muscle in my back and it was talking to me rather loudly. I decided to switch my inner channel to love. I put on some music that always moves me deeply. I thought of all that I am grateful for and I sat for meditation. I focused on the pain, and breathed into it deeply. After a while I began to experience a deep love in my heart. At the same time I noticed that the pain was still there, but it was softly cushioned by my stronger loving vibration that had been there all along.
How does all this talk of love connect to forgiveness? Here’s how. Anywhere we are holding any blame, resentment or grudge of any kind, we carry the burden of unforgiveness that will continually steal our happiness. Think now of someone you begrudge. Notice how just thinking about the situation can immediately upend your joy.
I know, as lightworkers, you have all worked at length with forgiveness. But have you really done all that you can?
If, “…love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth”, then it seems to me that we must aim to love everyone, and that means we must forgive everyone, even those who have wronged us greatly. Until we can do this, I’m not sure we really know how to love. God’s foundation is forgiveness, say the ancient sages. I don’t know about you, but I’m counting on that!
As far as I can see, we pay a big price by holding onto the slightest unforgiveness, especially of ourselves. If our natural vibration is love and we’re compromising its expression by holding onto blame and withholding forgiveness… from ourselves included, think of how much of our light we are withholding from the world. Being a pure beacon of light is the greatest contribution we can be.
“Personal transformation can and does have global effects.
As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one.”
~ M. Williamson
Learn more at the ASCENSION, NEW EARTH & YOU
Affirmation for the New Earth:
“I am the Power of Love and Infinite Abundance. I feel that power surging within me. I see myself expanding into who I truly am!”