The Women’s Success Tribe
Over the last several months, I have been interviewing what I consider conscious, spiritual, intuitive women who want to express their ideas and gifts in a meaningful way. It has been a great adventure and I have been thrilled with the willingness and even eagerness with which many of these women shared their challenges and their dreams with me.
I began to see early on that it would take me a very long time to get to all the wonderful women I wanted to interview, so I decided to take my interview project online. I have named the initiative “The Women’s Success Tribe.” I think there is room here for a very rich discussion.
So, I would like to invite all of you who feel drawn to this project to participate by taking a short anonymous Survey
Here are some of the results from the Women’s Interview Project so far:
The biggest Common Denominators were “Being Who I Truly Am” and “Asking for What I Truly Want.“ Many women shared that they felt women have less permission to live full out, that they are often not seen for who they truly are. Some have fear of revealing themselves. They don’t feel they can ask for what they want, but must settle instead for what they are “supposed” to have and do.
In my opinion, this is a tragedy! This world is “dying” for what women, coming from their deep authenticity, can offer. The natural qualities of the feminine aspect – intuition, wisdom, compassion, kindness, nurturing, healing, acceptance, forgiveness, creativity and collaborative leadership are so needed at this time.
Take the Survey
“The World will be saved by the Western Woman”
~ the Dalai Lama
Other Challenges that were mentioned were Taking Care of Myself; Asking for Help; Taking Credit; Finding Balance; the Aging Process; Being Alone; Being in Relationship and Wanting To Be in a Relationship.
Some of the answers to What’s Important to You? were: Determining What’s Authentic for Me; Being Joyful, Loving and Having Fun; Living from my Heart; Being Accepted for Who I am; Having the Courage to Manifest my Vision, Answering My Inner Calling.
I hope you will help me with this project by Taking the Survey
My goal is to bring women like these together in a tribe, ”The Women’s Success Tribe” to define what they truly want in life, identify their challenges and obstacles and support each other in getting there.
I will be holding a <3Free TeleCourse in 3 weeks to talk more about what women want, their gifts, their challenges and their dreams. Stay tuned for how to participate in that!
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