The Penny & The Lilac Tree
The other day. I received a small check in the mail. I noticed I was slightly disrespectful toward it, throwing it on my deck and not depositing it immediately. As soon as I noticed this, I stopped myself at once realizing how counterproductive that was.
I look at nature and how important every teeny tiny thing is to the whole of creation. Take the lilac bush, for example. There’s nothing more spectacular than a lilac bush in full bloom! But how did it get there? It took millions and millions of teeny tiny things – from the soil, to the seed, to the worms, to the decaying matter, to the minerals, to each droplet of water and so on and so forth ad infinitum.
If Mother Nature did not honor each and every one of those things, we would not have the abundant manifestation that is the lilac bush!
It occurs to me that we must honor every penny and every teeny thing we receive in our lives with gratitude, trusting that it will build and grow in its own time, in its own way and present us with abundant delicious fruit when the time is right.
We fulfill our dreams through passion, strong intention, letting go of the negative, self-effort, enthusiasm and a lot of grace.
In my experience, nothing draws grace like gratitude!
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