Cultivate Your Passion
An important attribute of the heart-centered Creative Feminine aspect of both men and women is passion. Heart stands for wisdom, beauty and truth and it also stands for passion. When you follow your passion, you follow what is really important to you, that which gives you joy, love and excitement, that which fulfills you.
A great way to practice living by what’s important to you is to identify what you want and what you love, and then, do things that put you more in touch with feelings of fulfillment. As you experience those great feelings, you are drawing toward you the circumstances — and therefore the experiences — that will fulfill you.
I call this the feeling magnet! It is very simple. You get what you focus on with feeling. The feeling brings circumstances that mirror your feeling. So put your focus, whenever you can, on things that fill you with good feelings!
An exercise for cultivating your passion:
a) I feel happy when I………….make a list of any activities, large or small
b) I feel unhappy when I…….…make a list of any activities, large or small
c) Happiness for me would be….…..describe things about your ideal life
d) For the sake of more joy in my life, I will………commit to at least 5 things that make you feel great. They can be big things, such as a special vacation, throwing a party, or going skydiving! Or, they can be simple things, such as listening to music, going for a walk, working out, doing something creative. It can even be something as simple as thinking of someone you love or relishing a great experience. Anything that will make you feel good.
Include at least one of these 5 things that fill you with joy every day until it becomes a habit. From this simple habit, you will find yourself becoming happier and more fulfilled.
For example, the 5 things chosen by one client were: “For the sake of more joy in my life, I will take an acting class, focus on people I love instead of those I don’t, take my time, get out more, play more, pay my bills on time.”
As you bring what you love more and more into your life, you awaken the passion that motivates you to reach your goals and live your dreams. Believe me, hard work alone does not get you where you are destined to go!
“You draw more into your life what you give attention to.
When you put your attention on things which bring you joy,
happiness, and fulfillment, you get more of that.” – Janet Atwood
Thank you! I think it’s refreshing to know that success does not bring happiness, as is so often thought, but it is happiness that brings success!